Below is data from the National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Examination Survey, and National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys showing the prevalence of overweight, obese, and severe obese adults aged 20 and over in the United States between 1960–1962 through 2017–2018


*Weight trends of adults 20 and over between 1960-1962:

32% were overweight     13% were obese    less than 1% were severely obese


Fast-forward to 2017-2018, same age group, adults 20 and over:

31% were overweight     42% were obese    9% were severely obese


*Looking at obesity statistics between 1988-1994, age ranges 20-39, 40-59, and 60+:

20-39 years of age 18% were obese

40-59 years of age 28% were obese

60 + years of age 24% were obese


Again, fast-forward to 2017-2018 obesity trends, same age ranges:

20-39 years of age 40% were obese

40-59 years of age 45% were obese

60 + years of age 43% were obese


The population is gaining weight at alarming rates. However, what is even more disturbing is the weight gains evident at younger ages.

As our population continues to gain more weight at even younger ages, disease that was once rare in children is now becoming prevalent. (i.e., traditionally referred to as “adult-onset” diabetes, type 2 diabetes is now becoming more common among children)

Rising rates of obesity are NOW seen in children, tragically as young as 2 years of age:

2-5 years old, 13% obese

6-11 years old, 20% obese

12-19 years old, 21% obese


*People who are obese are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions:

~High blood pressure

~High LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), high levels of triglycerides

~Type 2 diabetes

~Coronary artery disease


~Gallbladder disease


~Sleep Apnea and breathing problems

~Many types of cancer

~Low quality of life

~Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders

~Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning


*These are disturbing statistics and the trend towards excessive weight gain, especially beginning at such young ages must end. We will have a shorter life span than our predecessors because we are spending greater periods of our lives in deteriorating health. This is our new reality!


* We MUST take responsibility for our health. We MUST be proactive in seeking out the best nutrition to fuel our bodies, to engage in daily exercise, increase the amount of quality, restorative sleep we are seriously lacking, and reduce the stressors in our lives which drive us towards unhealthy lifestyle choices.


* We must change our mindsets and focus on our health.  We must be BETTER role models for our children because if our generation continues along this path of diminishing health, then our children are assured a grim future.  






Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only, as well as to give general information. It is not meant to be used as specific medical advice or to replace consulting with your doctor. You should always consult with your doctor. This article should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed professional.